Tuesday, November 11, 2008

7th annotation

Inaugural Address of Herbert Hoover
March 24, 1929
Monday March 4, 1929 in Washington DC; Chief Justice William Howard Taft administered the oath on the East Portico of the Capitol.


This is Hebert Hoover’s actual inaugural. In his inaugural it talks about Our Progress, The Failure of Our System of Criminal Justice, Enforcement of the 18th Amendment, A National Investigation, The Relation of Government to Business, Cooperation by the Government, education, world peace, Public Health, Party Responsibilities, Special Session of the Congress, Other Mandates From The Election, and the Conclusion. This inauguration speech was very informative and it talked a lot about what was going on at that timing before Hoover went into office. Also what he was going to do when he got into office. I definitely think this is a really good primary source.

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