Wednesday, November 5, 2008

5th annotation

Fall 2007, Vol. 39, No. 3
Herbert Hoover's Boy Biographer
By Glen Jeansonne
© 2007 by Glen Jeansonne

on this website is a biograohy of William J. Marsh. Marsh talks about his time during the great depression and talks a lot about Herbert Hoover. William stated the great depression was not Hoover's fault. A senator who criticized the President "ought to be ashamed of himself. William also talks about Herbert in many great ways like calling him a wonderful man and saying he did a lot for his country. Here are some of the quotes I took from the website that William J. Marsh had said "Herbert Hoover has done a lot of good for this country,” "there is always one fellow in the crowd who wants to be boss." Hoover became a successful mining engineer, and he saved Belgium from starvation. Hoover is a "wonderful man," who "holds the highest position in the world."

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