Tuesday, November 11, 2008

10th annotation

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum
210 Parkside Drive
West Branch, IA 52358

On this site it contains a cataloger of picture of Hebert Hoover. Years of Adventure, 1874 - 1914 The Humanitarian Years, 1914 - 1923 The Roaring Twenties, 1920-1929 The Wonder Boy, 1921-1928 The Logical Candidate, 1928-1929 The Great Depression, 1929-1931 From Hero to Scapegoat, 1932-1933 An Uncommon Woman, 1874-1944 Counselor to the Republic, 1938-1964 . then for each one u pick there are more categories and it starts with a picture of him at the age of 3, and it ends with a picture of the U.S army at a ceremony to honor his death on October 25, 1964. I think this site is an excellent for exhibits

9th annotation

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum
210 Parkside Drive
West Branch, IA 52358

This site has a lot of picturesof hoover playin what they called hoover-ball. The reason for this hoover ball game was to kepp Herbert in shape. Hoover-ball is a combination of tennis, volleyball and medicine ball. White House physician Admiral Joel T. Boone invented the game to keep President Hoover physically fit.
"It required less skill than tennis, was faster and more vigorous, and therefore gave more exercise in a short time," Hoover wrote in his Memoirs.
"It is more strenuous than either boxing, wrestling or football," wrote Will Irwin, a friend of Hoover's, in a 1931 article "The President Watches His Waistline" in Physical Culture magazine. "It has the virtue of getting at nearly every muscle in the body."

8th annotation

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum
210 Parkside Drive
West Branch, IA 52358

On this site there is a lot of information about Hoover threw out his life. The site has a time line of Hoover’s life from 1874 to 1964. Also on the other side are other major events that happen during that time/year. This is a good site to find out what was going on around the world at the time and to find out what was happening with Hoover at that as well.
1928 Hoover elected President of the United States.
1929 Served as 31st President of the United States. Made good will tour of Latin America after the election. 1929 Stock market crashed.
1930 Construction began on Hoover Dam on the Colorado River.
1931 President Hoover signed an act that made "The Star Spangled Banner" our national anthem.

7th annotation

Inaugural Address of Herbert Hoover
March 24, 1929
Monday March 4, 1929 in Washington DC; Chief Justice William Howard Taft administered the oath on the East Portico of the Capitol.


This is Hebert Hoover’s actual inaugural. In his inaugural it talks about Our Progress, The Failure of Our System of Criminal Justice, Enforcement of the 18th Amendment, A National Investigation, The Relation of Government to Business, Cooperation by the Government, education, world peace, Public Health, Party Responsibilities, Special Session of the Congress, Other Mandates From The Election, and the Conclusion. This inauguration speech was very informative and it talked a lot about what was going on at that timing before Hoover went into office. Also what he was going to do when he got into office. I definitely think this is a really good primary source.

6t annotation

Summer 2004, Vol. 36, No. 2
The Ordeal of Herbert Hoover
By Richard Norton Smith and Timothy Walch http://www.archives.gov/publications/prologue/2004/summer//hoover-1.html

In this story it gives a lot of information about Hoover and how people looked at him as a bad guy instead of a good guy. They also mentioned how Hoover's presidency remains largely an untold story. It also mentioned that it was an uphill campaign for Hoover's Democratic opponent. It says how the depression start and how it mounted to the great depression In a single day, sixteen million shares were traded—a record—and thirty billion dollars vanished into thin air. Also they talk about how people always tried to give him a bad reputation;; But this sports-loving President couldn't relax in public. For example, he stopped one afternoon to watch a sandlot ball game, cheering on the kids at play and informally chatting with them after the game ended. Colleagues urged the President to return the next day and be photographed with the boys, saying it would be good for his public image. Hoover would do nothing of the kind! It was one thing to relax, however infrequently, quite another to perform. "You can't make a Teddy Roosevelt out of me!" he proclaimed, to the despair of advisers.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

5th annotation

Fall 2007, Vol. 39, No. 3
Herbert Hoover's Boy Biographer
By Glen Jeansonne
© 2007 by Glen Jeansonne

on this website is a biograohy of William J. Marsh. Marsh talks about his time during the great depression and talks a lot about Herbert Hoover. William stated the great depression was not Hoover's fault. A senator who criticized the President "ought to be ashamed of himself. William also talks about Herbert in many great ways like calling him a wonderful man and saying he did a lot for his country. Here are some of the quotes I took from the website that William J. Marsh had said "Herbert Hoover has done a lot of good for this country,” "there is always one fellow in the crowd who wants to be boss." Hoover became a successful mining engineer, and he saved Belgium from starvation. Hoover is a "wonderful man," who "holds the highest position in the world."

My Revised Thesis Statement and Introduction

Even though people blamed Herbert Hoover for contributing to the great depression, He should be looked at differently for the way he handled it during that disaster.

My topic is about Herbert Hoover and his life during presidency in the Great Depression. For NHD I will be talking about how Hoover handled one off the biggest disasters in American history. The reason I pick this was I thought it would be interesting to learn more about his life during that time because some people fight weather he was the fault for the depression back in the 1920’s. Also because myself and many other people believe that we may be going through another great depression with Wall Street, cashing and all the money going over to the troops in Iraq. With this knowledge I can learn what they could have done differently to save the markets from crashing and what are they doing now that they did then.