Friday, November 2, 2007

Korin Lassiter
The U.S Constitution
Period 8,9
Philosophy of government part 2

After all we learned about Ideal Society and Constitution I still believe that security is more important than individual freedom. In this essay I will be talking about my key points, what they mean and the Constitutional Rights that stand by it. First one is most people protested against the ichip. Second one is the people against the ichip used the president to sign the bill. Third one is the Senate made a bill to band the ichip.

Most people protested against the ichip. This is related to article I section 7 which says that “all bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House Of Representatives, but the Senate may purpose or concur with amendment as on other bills”. the people ‘s protest was successful and the ichip was out beat. The people were arguing whether the ichip was right or wrong , it’s optional. The problem that created more complications was that some people agreed with the ichip and some were against it.

The people against the ichip used the president to sign the bill. Amendment 1 says “abridging the freedom of speech or the right of the press, or the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress“. the president did eventually agree and sign the bill. They will not be able to purchase it if the president signed the bill going against it . So senate made a bill and they got everyone who was against the ichip to sign the bill.

Senate made a bill to band the ichip. Article 1 section 7 says “all bills for raising revenue shall originate in the house of representatives , but the senate many propose or concur with amendments as on other bills”. the senate’s bill worked and the ichip was banded. The president signed the bill so the people who want it can’t get the ichip because it is now illegal. It made the bill easier to pass because majority of the people didn’t agree with the ichip.

I personally disagree with the ichip because I think it is dangerous. Most citizens disagree with the ichip being implanted in their brain. Citizens would not get the ichip implanted in their head they would not trust that something dangerous wouldn’t occur. Ideal society does not secure a person if they were to get the ichip something could go wrong like their bodies might not be able to take a electronic device in their brain a malfunction can occur. Also the ichip could even be as dangerous as killing people. Then what will the government do with the people that still are alive and have the ichip in their body it will be to late there for our population will decrease. Most people will most likely protest for or against the ichip. The people against the ichip used the president to abandon it. Senate made a bill to band the ichip, then they had all citizens who was against it sign the bill.

1 comment:

Mrs. Garcia-Thompson said...

Great job. Please take your last name off of all posts though!