Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Should We Have A Sex Class At CHS

In Huck Finn there are people who are ignorant about certain things. For example Jim is not well educated about how to speak and he is very superstitious and ignorant about things like ghost. For example the time Jim thought that Huck Finn was a ghost. He started begging for forgiveness. Now if he was educated enough he would know there is no such thing as ghost and know they don’t hurt you. Also he would know how to speak properly.

Like we were talking about in Huck Finn, how people due to lack of education are ignorant even though they think their right. That brings me to my point “should sex class be taught at CHS” lat me explain why I think it should. I think it’s important because if you don’t really know what your doing and the consequences then you can get yourself into mare trouble than if you were to know. Sex class should be apart of school for many reasons. Not teaching the consequences of sex is like not going to school and being put into society for a job. Of course you won’t know what you are doing. Which is my point we can’t be taught one thing and not another, you have to know what you are doing and not what you think you are doing. Me personally speaking I rather be taught about sex by some one who is educated about it than listen to what kids think and have to say about it because most likely they are going to be wrong also they never talk about the danger of it they always talk about the positive things because the negative things they don’t know that much about.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Korin Lassiter
The U.S Constitution
Period 8,9
Philosophy of government part 2

After all we learned about Ideal Society and Constitution I still believe that security is more important than individual freedom. In this essay I will be talking about my key points, what they mean and the Constitutional Rights that stand by it. First one is most people protested against the ichip. Second one is the people against the ichip used the president to sign the bill. Third one is the Senate made a bill to band the ichip.

Most people protested against the ichip. This is related to article I section 7 which says that “all bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House Of Representatives, but the Senate may purpose or concur with amendment as on other bills”. the people ‘s protest was successful and the ichip was out beat. The people were arguing whether the ichip was right or wrong , it’s optional. The problem that created more complications was that some people agreed with the ichip and some were against it.

The people against the ichip used the president to sign the bill. Amendment 1 says “abridging the freedom of speech or the right of the press, or the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress“. the president did eventually agree and sign the bill. They will not be able to purchase it if the president signed the bill going against it . So senate made a bill and they got everyone who was against the ichip to sign the bill.

Senate made a bill to band the ichip. Article 1 section 7 says “all bills for raising revenue shall originate in the house of representatives , but the senate many propose or concur with amendments as on other bills”. the senate’s bill worked and the ichip was banded. The president signed the bill so the people who want it can’t get the ichip because it is now illegal. It made the bill easier to pass because majority of the people didn’t agree with the ichip.

I personally disagree with the ichip because I think it is dangerous. Most citizens disagree with the ichip being implanted in their brain. Citizens would not get the ichip implanted in their head they would not trust that something dangerous wouldn’t occur. Ideal society does not secure a person if they were to get the ichip something could go wrong like their bodies might not be able to take a electronic device in their brain a malfunction can occur. Also the ichip could even be as dangerous as killing people. Then what will the government do with the people that still are alive and have the ichip in their body it will be to late there for our population will decrease. Most people will most likely protest for or against the ichip. The people against the ichip used the president to abandon it. Senate made a bill to band the ichip, then they had all citizens who was against it sign the bill.
Dear Mr. President Bush, November 1,2007

Hi, my name is Korin Lassiter. I invested my money for a good use. The most money I invested which was $1,000,000 went toward finding a cure for AIDS, because I thought that it was most important. The second highest amount was 250,000 and that went toward finding out why more and more women are getting breast cancer and how unborn babies are effected by pregnant women drinking alcohol. The third most amount which was $200,000 was invested to help farmers grow nutritious wheat which can be helpful to us by making the world more healthier, and to see if possibly if their is any life in other parts of the universe and if so are they harmful and what do they do. Lastly the least amount of money was $100,000 and I invested it into was how to make jets faster, I felt that it was not as important as the other ones but was important because it could still, better our society even though I only gave them $100,000. The total amount that I gave in all was $2,000,000 and I think I made the right decisions on the amounts.

Sincerely, Korin Lassiter
The reason I picked The Cat In The Hat is beacause I bealived that it had a good intro and it spoke about all the things that were required like having a vioce and having transitive words. I also picked this because I believe I worked hard on this essay and it had all of the requirement that was needed. It also had words that I don"t usually use in daily bases.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Korin Lassiter
Lazy Boi ichi
Founded by the KNC Corporation

The ichip is small and silver with four different color lights and a plug in section that goes in to the brain (cerebellum). The ichip helps the government out things in a few ways. For one it helps us to access to the internet, just by thinking of it. Second reason it helps you to locate people when they are going to commit a crime like bombers. Third reason for the ichip is it helps you to control objects like the TV without the remote, all you have to do is think of a channel. That’s also were we got the ichips name. Last and finally is it can read what people are saying with out them actually saying it. This Lazy Boi I chip will also one day advance our society.

A Biomedical engineer is the person that does all the research and work on the ichip. The engineer labels and models the ichip. It tells the people what the Ichip does.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Cat In The Hat

Korin Lassiter October 17,2007
Mr. Romero
Period 6,7 The Cat In The Hat

In this story they talk about the Id, Ego, and Super Ego. The Id is more on the devilish side (your instinct). The ego is like more in the middle of the id and super ego (balanced). The super ego is more on the angelish side (you think before doing it). What we will be talking about must in the story is the id.

In “The Cat In The Hat id mostly takes over the cat. The cat sometimes shows his ego but rally. He doesn’t show his super ego until the end of the story but I am not going to tell you how just yet. The cat is not only thing that goes through these three phases because we do as well on daily bases.

Throughout the story “The Cat In The Hat” his personality changes from the beginning until the end, with the id to the ego to the super ego. I would say that most of his personality is the id. It’s not that “The Cat In The Hat” is evil it is just he has no sense of responsibilities and no limitations on having fun. We show our id everyday. It’s not a bad thing it just shows type of personality we have. Like the cats personality is hyper and likes to have fun. He also doesn’t care what anything or anyone says like the fish and the kids.

The cat started showing his ego he arrived. He tried t show the kids how to have fun. They were having a lot of fun until the cat got carried away. That’s when he started to get out of control and bring out thing one and two. Which caused a big mess. The kids were scared because their mom was coming home soon and they didn’t no what to do.

Last but not least the super ego. When sally and “I” finally decided to listen to their the fish, and catch thing one and two with a net they gave them too the cat. After they gave thing one and two to the cat they told him to leave. It took a while until the cat finally listened and left. Meanwhile the kids were still so nervous and did not know what to do about the big mess that crazy cat left. It was not long until he arrived again to help them with the mess him and his little friends made. Now this is all his super ego stepping in. He then pulled out another trick but this time the trick did not mess up the house it cleaned it. This is known as the super ego. So because of the cat‘s super ego the kids and the fish were happy. Another thing their mom never found out about how much fun they had on that one rainy day. Would u tell your mom?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

how we can balance freedom and sercurity

I think that Myspace is more dangerous because more people have a Myspace then a Face book. Also on Myspace you put out alot of information like what school you go too, what your first and last name is, what you like, were you live, what your number is and your screen name, your email adress and a whole bunch of other things that people should not know because it is personal. Face book is more for kids like teenagers and younger kids were Myspace is for older people that know what they are doing and know what not and what information to put out to the public. The reason that Myspace is blocked and face book is not is because there are more predators and strange people that are capable of doing strange things that are scary and can harm you and possibly kill you.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

My philosophy

I consider my self to be democrat. I think there should government. If there were no government then there would be people acting crazy. I also agree with Hobbs on his theory about people naturally being selfish and greedy.