Friday, April 17, 2009

My Reflection on Personalities

Guardian (SJs)

1. they care for others

2. they are impatient

3. put ohers before them

4. cant express themselves

Artisans (SPs)

1. they are colorful with projects

2. they are always happy

3. make people laugh and don’t always take things serious

4. when doing projects they add lots of color pictures and sounds

Idealists (NFs)

1. thay are always so serious

2. they are pretty boring

3.always wait until the last minute

4. when doing a project if they are into it they do a really good job and workhard

Rationals (NTs)

1. impatient

2. they like to be in charge

3. don’t like being told what to do

4. they often use technology to study and do work

In schooling, should students be grouped homogeneously (same personality, backgrounds, skills) or heterogeneously (different personalities, abilities, cultures)? Why?

I think that people should be group in heterogeneously. When working with different people and personalities they are able to work better together. They have different points of view so when put together they make good presentations because there is a taste of each personality in it. For example an idealist are boring but like to do the work and put a lot of information in it where artisans like a lot of color and pictures. If you were to put them two groups together they would work well. That saying is true OPPOSITES ATTRACT

How large a part does personality play in who you are? Explain.

It plays a large roll in my personality. I now see and realize how I act and why I act. I never new there was a certain name for the way I act but now I know. I now know my actions have a name (artisan, gaurdan). I deffinetly see that my actions and personality come out everyday in life. Artisan and Gaurdan most deffinetly play a large part in my everyday life.

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