Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The season I am

As we go through life there are stages we go through spring means being in your child stages, summer means being in your mature years, fall is in your adult years, and winter is an old and mature person. Right now I’m in my summer state just coming out of my spring. Well in my case every once in a while I feel like breaking out of my summer shell and act like a kid by doing “spring” things. Sponge and cartoons being for younger kids my dad looks at me confused and says, “Korin how old are you? When are you going to grow up”? Realizing what he said I decided to change the channel and put on the News something more sophisticated. Growing up when thinking about acting immature I always thing of my dad saying”Korin how old are you?” it just replays in my head, but since then I think I have come along way and now I think I’m in my summer stage becoming more mature.

One reason I believe I grew up is because over the years I took on a lot of personal and mental problems. Growing up I always had to help my mom. Now at the age of 17 I have a lot more responsibility such as doing my chores. These responsibilities over the years eventually helped shape the person I am now, and when or when not to do something.

Second way I believe I have matured or grew up is when I graduated from 8th grade and stepped into constitution high school. Ever since then I felt the mental growth. During the school year we are assigned a project called NHD, which definitely helped expand my education on history. When they mentioned the shantytown and the great depression I already new what a shantytown looked like and what the depression was like. Information like this helped me to visualized and understand what “Marigolds” was saying and talking about.

Lastly I believe I matured was at my 16th birthday. Just as I walked through the doors of my surprise sweet 16th party I felt the sensation of being grown up come over me. At parties most kids and teenagers well just hang out with your friends, and not care about anything else, but me as the mature person I became that day I went around to everyone thanking them for coming and things a mature person would do. Like me the girl lizabeth also matured but in a different way it took someone to be hurt for her to mature and feel bad for Mrs. Lodie. Through the whole story lizabeth hated that old lady and her marigolds it wasn’t until the end of the book when she ripped up the marigolds lizabeth felt really sad for Mrs. Lodie who was crying at the time. Lizabeth felt this way because it was a sign of her being mature.

In the beginning I mentioned how I acted immature and just a year and a half ago was in my spring but over the years I matured and became summer. Even though at some moments I break out and act like spring just to have fun, I’m mostly summer and when it comes to getting a job and doing school work. I act as if I’m in the summer going into the fall. People think I might act like spring but deep down I’m summer, in my eyes sometimes fall because I have come such a far way.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I make poem

I make.
I make people laugh
I make people cry
I make people mad
I make people stop from acting shy
All these characteristics are what makes me
And if we hang out you will see how you know what makes me
But what makes you
Now lets hear yours and

"southern Mansion"

Did you ever read a poem like in my case, where you read the poem and it gives you the chills and draws you in the poem? Well that’s the case here I picked this poem is because I have a thing for ghosts and the description the author used really made me able to visualize it. Even though they are creepy and scary I still; love reading and watching about them. It’s something about the whole death and haunting thing that I enjoy and the fact that it has truth and history makes me like it even more. I enjoyed the poem “Southern Mansion because of all the details and description, so let me explain and give an example.

One of the first things I observed is the historical content of the poem and here I have three different phrases from the poem that relates to my observation. The phrase “chain of bondmen dragging on the ground” give you chill think about what the slaves wore and it also shows sad emotion and how the slaves were treated. The other phrase “another sound tinkling in the cotton” helps visualize the slaves back in the slavery days, picking cotton on the fields. Look at phrase three “Poplars are standing there still as death” makes you visuals slaves being lynched and hanging from the tree and this phrase is symbolic because these trees are where slaves were hung. In all these phrases you and conclude the time period of the story’s setting.

Here I have three phrases that go with my second observation from “Southern Mansion” My second observation the poem contains vivid detail and description. The first phrase states, “There is a sound of music echoing” its as if you can almost hear it yourself. My phrase is very visualizing “through the open door” it takes you to the place where everything is happening. Another phrase from the vivid section is “and standing on the marble steps” this phrase makes you visualize the ghost standing on the steps, most likely in pain from being slave.

Final observation and the three phrases my last observation of the poem is death. Phrase “ghost are walking” sends chills down my back and it’s really bizarre thinking of an empty house with ghost walking around. Chosen phrase “a hand is on a gate” makes you feel as if the people in this house are trying to escape and be free from slavery. Phrase tree “ghost of dead men” is another strange phrase that makes you wonder how they died and why.

So like I said in the beginning the poem is very descriptive and detailed, as you can see for yourself in my quotes “Southern Mansion” alone has voice in the poem. Even though you might not have a thing for ghost, if you were to read this poem you might have a change in mind about your like for ghost. Another thing in this poem that you might enjoy is the historical information that the poem contains, and the realization it has.