Friday, March 28, 2008


The beginning of the mob to Bruno

The mafia in Philly started in 1957 the mob boss was Joseph Ida. In 1957 he quit being boss because he was caught by cops in “The Infamous Approaching Raiding” in November of 1957; it was this gigantic meeting of all the mob bosses of America. They all came together in upstate New York in a town called, Approaching and they all got busted by the police. Ida was one of the guys who got busted and didn’t like fact that his name was in the news paper so he quit being boss and went back to Sicily. The man that had replaced him was Dominic Pollina and his under boss Angelo Bruno but there was a problem Pollina didn’t trust Bruno because he was very popular and was one of the biggest money earners. So Pollina gave an order to have Bruno killed. The man that he gives the order to warns Bruno instead of killing him. That’s when Angelo does an amazing thing and goes to New York City and goes to the mafia commission and pleads his case and says “I’m not expiring against Pollina, I shouldn’t killed “ he basically put his life in hand of the commission they could have told him “well Pollina wants you dead your going to be killed” but instead they rule in his favor and said “your right you shouldn’t be killed we are going to make you boss of the Philly mob and tells Bruno you can do whatever you want with Pollina.” Most of the time you would kill that person but no Bruno just tells him to leave and not to have anything to do with them anymore. From then on Bruno became boss of La Cost Nostra from 1959 to 1990 and that’s when the people in Philly mob as we know today like Salvatore “Chucky Merlino, Joey Merlino, Nicky Scarfo and …… start to come into play and become bosses.

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