Thursday, May 22, 2008

i felt fustrated that the latter nothing was going to get done, i also doubt that this whole project like getting the people to donate thing to us weren't going to get done, but after the weeks went by i know feel that we are making pogress, through sevice learning i learnded that the victims of hurican katrina still havent recovered and are living under the high ways this experience makes me want to do more for people that lose there houses and everyhting the have, through service learning i have learned that you have to help out others because one this might happen to you and you would want all the help you can get, this project made me open my eyes to the world

Friday, May 16, 2008

yesterday i finised up the letter and let miss klose approve it and we had called a few people to see if they had any information to where we could get used oil or printing actces.

Monday, May 12, 2008

zoey is planting flowers at the constitution center= garden group
ciarah made buisness cards to hand out for children safety=child safety
labria teaching different older people in differentcultures how to speak english=todd
this week i plan on finishing the letter also like mailing it and start making progress
on friday we talked about what things we have and what things we need. some people were on task and others were just doing what ever. i was also working on the letter so we can send it out to ask for donations hopefully we can gt more accomplished

Tuesday, May 6, 2008