Wednesday, April 30, 2008

i had a change in my independence work in stead of baking cookies for Bridget's fair i am going to bring in things for the baskets they are making because they need that more then they need food because they have enough
last meeting i felt like we got something accomplishedwe were looking up web site to donated things to us and other things we did make much progress but hopefully tomorrow we start getting the places to donate the oil and other things we need for the fundred dollar bill

Thursday, April 24, 2008

tomorrow i think it is going to be interesting to see how far we get and hopefully we can get to designing the fundred dollar bill well we are just going to have to see what tomorrow brings

Thursday, April 17, 2008

i think that the meeting today is going to go well and that we are going to get started on the bill and hopefully this bill will go far and help he people in new orleans
last weeks meeting was very interesting i am glad that miss klose was able to show us the pictures from the hurrican. it made me feel like what i am going to do is going to be worth it. i also thought that i was very sad that people are still living on the streets well i think that this whole fundred dollar bill was worth it.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Cleaning my block for the spring cleaning day was very interesting the thing I like the most is that everyone who usually stay to them selves came out to help and the whole block worked together to make our street nice. When it was all cleaned and done the block was spot less compared from when we first started when chip bags and leaves were everywhere. After we were done me and my family went into the house for a couple of hours and then went to the Lincoln financial center to eat and see Michael Nutter although we left before he got there but overall we had fun and if Nutter was to have it again I would do it.