Thursday, April 30, 2009

on the line

Exam 3

1. What happened when Lennie was drinking the water? C

A. Threw up
B. Passed out
C. George yelled at him
D. He fell in the water

2. How does Lennie keep killing the mice? C

A. Throws them
B. Sits on them
C. Squeezes their heads
D. Looses their

3. What is the place George and Lennie are running from?A

A. Weeds
B. North
C. Florida
D. Soledad

4. What are George and Lennie’s plans when they get money? B

A. Buy houses
B. Get a house with land
C. Live on a farm
D. Rent out houses

5. What repetitive thing does Lennie do through out the movie?C

A. tells everything George tells him
B. dont talk
C. forgets what George say
D. remembers what George says

6. Where do Lennie and George run to after Lennies accident?C

A. Weeds
B. Philly
C. Soledad
D. South

7. What did they say Lennie did in Weeds? C

A. Killed a girl
B. Killed a boy
C. Rapped a girl
D. Choked a girl

8. Whose dog is it that stinks? D

A. George
B. Lennie
C. Curly
D. Candy

9. What is it that Curly wears under his glove? B

A. Lotion
B. Vaseline
C. Soap
D. Sun block

10. What does George mean by the word “steak”? A

A. Money
B. Clothes
C. Tools
D. Drugs

11. Why does Lennie want to leave? C

A. He stole money
B. The old dog stinks
C. It’s mean there
D. Curly punched him

12. What is the reason for Curly wearing the glove?C

A. Make his hand soft
B. Protect his hands
C. For his wife
D. Makes him look manly

13. How many puppies did Slim kill? B

A. 5
B. 4
C. 9
D. 2

between the line

Exam 2

1. Does Lennie like mice or just anything soft?

Lennie likes to pet anything soft. Like in the book he talks about how excited he is about getting a bunch of rabbits. It also mentions in chapter 3 how he is always petting the puppies. I think it’s just the fact of an animal that has soft fur is no particular type of animals that attract him. At the end he was petting Curl’s wife because her hair was soft that goes to show that he likes anything that is soft.

2. Do you think George really cares about Lennie?

I think at times he does it cause he feels bad, but then I believe he does it cause he really cares about him. If George didn’t care about Lennie then he wouldn’t go through all these problems to keep him safe and take care of him. Also if George didn’t care about him then they wouldn’t have run away from weeds and try and safe Lennie.

3. Do you believe George would have much more money and possibly still be working in Weeds?

I think so because Lennie is always getting into trouble and forgetting things This causes George many problems like loosing their jobs, and causing them to have to fleet the place they were staying. Like they had to leave the place they currently staying because Lennie got himself in trouble and they had to leave Weeds because they would have killed him.

beyond the line

Exam 1

Of Mice and Men is about two friends George and Lennie who have no friends or family, they only have each other. Through chapters 1-4 their main focus to get a job to make money, enough money to get a house with lots of land and animals, mainly rabbits.

Like Of Mice and Men, Huckleberry Fin is about two friends who are looking for freedom and want to eventually get a house together. James who is a slave, and Huck who is a young boy who don’t like to follow rules.

Just like Lennie and George, Jim and Huck are on a run from people who are looking for them back at their homelands. Huck and Lennie share a lot in common even though Lennie is a big grown man and Huck is only a little kid, they both don’t listen and don’t follow rules.

George and Jim are a like as well. George is always trying to follow the rules as well as Jim even though he broke the rules by running away. He did so for a good reason to try and find his family where they can then get a house and live free just like George he feels as though he is a prisoner worker for people on their land. Both men want the freedom to live in their own home with their loved ones.

Both of mice and men and huckleberry fin share characters and their motivations. They also have around the same time period setting. Even though Huck Finn and Of Mice and men have a lot in common their endings are complete opposites. Causing different emotions for the ending of book, which if you read them you will know.

Friday, April 17, 2009

My Reflection on Personalities

Guardian (SJs)

1. they care for others

2. they are impatient

3. put ohers before them

4. cant express themselves

Artisans (SPs)

1. they are colorful with projects

2. they are always happy

3. make people laugh and don’t always take things serious

4. when doing projects they add lots of color pictures and sounds

Idealists (NFs)

1. thay are always so serious

2. they are pretty boring

3.always wait until the last minute

4. when doing a project if they are into it they do a really good job and workhard

Rationals (NTs)

1. impatient

2. they like to be in charge

3. don’t like being told what to do

4. they often use technology to study and do work

In schooling, should students be grouped homogeneously (same personality, backgrounds, skills) or heterogeneously (different personalities, abilities, cultures)? Why?

I think that people should be group in heterogeneously. When working with different people and personalities they are able to work better together. They have different points of view so when put together they make good presentations because there is a taste of each personality in it. For example an idealist are boring but like to do the work and put a lot of information in it where artisans like a lot of color and pictures. If you were to put them two groups together they would work well. That saying is true OPPOSITES ATTRACT

How large a part does personality play in who you are? Explain.

It plays a large roll in my personality. I now see and realize how I act and why I act. I never new there was a certain name for the way I act but now I know. I now know my actions have a name (artisan, gaurdan). I deffinetly see that my actions and personality come out everyday in life. Artisan and Gaurdan most deffinetly play a large part in my everyday life.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

my test results/ career

One of the careers that came up on my test was nurse. I believe that I would be a good nurse because I have a good kind heart. when people are down or in a bad mood I'm always the one trying to make them laugh or make them happy.I am always trying to help people and looking out for there best interest. When someone gets hurt especially an old person or a young child my heart just melts and I feel so bad for that person and i run to there aid right away.

Not only do I like helping people I also like to attend to them and take care of them when they are in bad conditions. I do think that my heart and emotions take over my sense of thinking most of the time. That’s why I believe I would be a good nurse. knowing that I help people make me feel good about myself. To get to that state I would have to go to college for about four years and then attend medical school

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

my idenity

I am an E S F J

My Keirsey calls me a Guardian and Provider (ESFJ)

The butt and heiss calls me guardian

My 5 personality traits are "wear their hearts on their sleeves," mothering' drive, Generous entertainer, liberal in giving, enjoy being in charge,

My 3 people I am like are Marin Luther king Eleanor Roosevelt, Desi Arnaz, Elvis Stojko

My careers are Social Work Nursing Fashion Merchandising Sales/Marketing Specialist

I think that my results are right on track I agree that I am judging and a kind-hearted person I do also believe I have a chance to be like a social worker or nurse.

Question: I want know if my emotions will get in the way of my future career as a F.B.I or Detective

Monday, March 16, 2009

service learning reflection

last week for service learning group i was absent so for the up comming meeting i hope that we will actually have physically have something done like people bringing in stuff. I am preparing myself for the up comming service learning by getting supplies we need.

Civil War Essay

Civil War Essay
Thesis: Although the war brought the North and South closer and ended slavery, it took a lot of pain and violence to get to that point.
In order for slavery to be abolished and for people to be able to live in peace it took a war between the North and South, known as the Civil War. As we know the Civil War was one of the most bloodiest wars which many people died in " nearly three million men served in the union and confederate armies from 1861 to 1865" stated letter from the war by the Gilder Lehrman. People tried many techniques to try and settle the flares between North and South about slavery. A few of the techniques were the Missouri Compromise which was an act of Congress (1820) by which Missouri was admitted as a slave state, Maine as a free state, and slavery was prohibited in the Louisiana Purchase, Compromise of 1850 that was a set of laws, passed in the midst of fierce wrangling between groups favoring slavery and groups opposing it, that attempted to give something to both sides. The compromise allowed California “free state” which means no slavery but allowed some new places and territories to decide whether or not they wanted slavery., Fugitive Slave Law which is A law passed as part of the Compromise of 1850, which provided southern slaveholders with legal weapons to capture slaves who had escaped to the free states. The law was not liked in the North., Uncle Tom's Cabin was a (1852) A novel, by Harriet Beecher Stowe; Harriet Stowe was a slave who was beat to death by a overseer, named Simon Legree, for describing the cruelties of slavery which really angered the South., Kansas Nebraska republican party which was the act of Congress in 1854, providing for the organization of the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, and allowing these territories to determine whether or not they accepted slavery etc. These are only a few ways the nations tried to settle the conflicts and compromise but all they did was back fire and cause more conflict. The North and South faced many battles that were in the civil war which caused many men to die. I will name and get into those battles further in the following paragraphs. In addition to that I will talk about the two Battles of Bull Run which took place in Fairfax Count and Prince William County on July 21, 1861. It was first major land battle of armies and was a battle that let people know it was only the beginning of the war. There was an estimate of 4,700 people killed 2,950 total union troops were killed. They were led by Gen. Irvin McDowell. On the confederate side 1,150 men were killed and they were led by Gen. Joseph E Johnston and Gen. P.G.T Beauregard. In the battle of Antietam also called "Sharpsburg" an estimate of 23,100 people were killed. The union was led by Gen. George B. Magellan. The confederates were led by Gen. Robert E. Lee. This battle was the bloodiest single day battle in America this war also allowed Abraham to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the slaves. In Vicksburg battle 19,233 men were killed. 10,142 union men died and they were led by Gen. Ulysses S. Grant. The Confederates lost 9,091 men and they were led by Gen. John C. Pemberton. In the Vicksburg battle Pemberton's army loss, which caused the confederacy to split in half, this battle was a turning point in the war. The Gettysburg Battle took place in Adams County on July 1-3, 1863 it was a three day battle. Estimate of 51,000 men were killed 23,000 were from the union which were led by Gen. George G Meade and 28,000 were confederates and they were led by Gen. Robert E. Lee. This battle was the largest battle ever waged during the American Civil War; this battle was also a major turning point in the war it was “high water mark of the confederacy" stated "the history place website". All these battles are evidence of the pain and violence the North and South went to get the slaves free, and live a civil life. Even though many soldiers lost their lives and were seriously hurt it paid off in the end, because not only did it make the slaves free but it caused the North and South to come closer and become one as a civil nation.
In this paragraph I will show and explain the evidence of violence that took place before and during the war. The Document of Amistad was evidence of contribution toward the war because the ships kept bringing slaves over, and one of the reasons for the Civil War was conflict over slavery. Document of the Antietam battle showed that it was the bloodiest single day battle, in this picture shows a lot of dead bodies lying on the ground. The war conditions were so crucial and painful in the war, here is evidence of a living man writing to his wife saying “I lay or sit in water about six inches deep by the side of a stone fence”. In this letter he was also describing the dead bodies he said” the ground was literally covered in dead and wounded as far as we could see our boys” these were actual quotes from DDM Smith who was a soldier for the union army. That letter to Mrs. Smith was the reality of the Civil War. Here is another letter from a soldier JP Nugent who is writing to his mother he states “my shoes gave out and I had to travel about five hundred miles bare foot and my feet were so sore that I could hardly walk one of them had thirteen blister under the bottom”this was how the men in the war had to survive in poor living conditions. These documents show you how crucial the Civil war really was the reality and how violent it was for the people on the Confederate side and Union side. After the war the nations went through a Reconstruction which was one of the most violent and controversial eras in American history, the Reconstruction was widely viewed as an era of corruption and misgovernment, supposedly caused by allowing blacks to take part in politics. This interpretation helped to justify the South's system of racial segregation and denying the vote to blacks. After Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson began his Reconstruction plan. This plan contained thirteenth amendment which abolished slavery. Reconstruction was a time of fundamental social, economic, and political change. The overthrow of Reconstruction left to future generations the troublesome problem of racial justice” stated “America’s Reconstruction website” In the end everything and everyone came together even though there were still racial problems with whites and blacks. The Civil War paid a big price of loosing so many men but it paid off and brought everyone together and made slavery end.

In conclusion the Civil War was definitely the most violent war in American History as I shown and described to you previously with documents. Through all the deaths, battle, disagreements etc. the nations finally pulled themselves together and Reconstructed America and became one nation. Slavery was ended and so did the conflict and battles between the North and the South and all the other nations. Divided nations no longer existed and North and South were one. So like I said in the beginning although the Civil War was such a bloody violent war it paid off in the long run by freeing the slaves and causing the North and South to come together. Although the men in the war had to pay a big price by losing their lives in the end it was worth it. Slavery was abolished, and there was only one Nation. Even though slavery was over, during the Reconstruction there were some conflict with equality, like blacks had separate water fountains, schools, and they couldn’t do everything white people could. America had still come a long way from slavery to the Civil War to the Reconstruction. The nations were far from perfect but they were on their way to getting on the right track. America accomplished a lot but also had a lot to be fixed over the years to come.

Cited Sources
1. Death of Capt. Ferrer, James G. Basker, The Gilder Lehrman Collection, 2005, Why Documents Matter; American Originals and the Historical Imagination
2. Abraham Lincoln’s “House Divided” speech, 1857-1858, James G. Basker, The Gilder Lehrman Collection, 2005, Why Documents Matter; American Originals and the Historical Imagination
3. Frederick Douglass’s letter to Marry Todd Lincoln, August 17, 1865, James G. Basker, The Gilder Lehrman Collection, 2005, Why Documents Matter; American Originals and the Historical Imagination
4. Introduction to the Exhibition of the civil war soldiers’ letters, The Gilder Lehrman Collection, I take up my pen; letters from the war, 2008
5. Transcript of a letter from John P. Jone to his wife on October 3 1862, The Gilder Lehrman Collection, I take up my pen; letters from the war, 2008
6. Transcript of a letter from John P. Nugent to his mother on November 18, 1862, The Gilder Lehrman Collection, I take up my pen; letters from the war, 2008
7. The Battlefield, In their own words, The Gilder Lehrman Collection, I take up my pen; letters from the war, 2008
8. Battlefield, The Gilder Lehrman Collection, I take up my pen; letters from the war, 2008
9. Transcript of a letter from David Smith to his family on July 10, 1863, The Gilder Lehrman Collection, I take up my pen; letters from the war, 2008

Student/ Teacher Article

For years kids go to school to get an education. Everyday we go to school, in a classroom with about 30 students and one teacher. We sit in class and learn lessons by a teacher. Most of the time a student will have a question and a teacher will answer if that teacher knows the answer. Teachers will assign the students work where the student will complete the work on his or her own with an exception of some help from a teacher. Sometimes the class will be to big for a teacher to do one on one an help a student out, so in that case he or she will say do it on your own.

Relationships between students vary. Not all students and teachers get along. In some cases students almost feel neglected by teachers. Julia Fusco states “I sometimes feel abandon by a certain teachers” she didn’t want me to say the name of the teacher even though I knew who she was talking about. Other students like Ashante Richards feels teachers ignore her when she asked questions, she claims “Ackerman ignores me all the time”. I’m afraid she wasn’t the only one person who felt that way. I personally asked Ackerman if he walks away from students when they ask a question he says yes I do that everyday” I was socked he wouldn’t admit something that so many students get mad at him for doing. But then he said “but because some student ask inappropriate questions or they are off topic. That made me understand the reason for the actions of some teachers.

Not all teachers and students have problems each student has their own opinion on the way teachers teach and act. My interview with Nicole Golden shows close relationships with teachers she says “teachers are pretty friendly and take the time to build relationships with students so much, that I call Brasof my uncle and Romero m dad”. While most students feel ignored and neglected Krista McCormick, another student I interviewed, on the other hand she said “teachers don’t ignore me but then again I don’t ask for their attention that much”.

As you can see, there are different types of relationships between students and teachers. Teachers and students have their ups and downs depending on the way a student or teacher acts. For some students, teachers are rude and ignore you to other students teachers are like family and good teachers.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The season I am

As we go through life there are stages we go through spring means being in your child stages, summer means being in your mature years, fall is in your adult years, and winter is an old and mature person. Right now I’m in my summer state just coming out of my spring. Well in my case every once in a while I feel like breaking out of my summer shell and act like a kid by doing “spring” things. Sponge and cartoons being for younger kids my dad looks at me confused and says, “Korin how old are you? When are you going to grow up”? Realizing what he said I decided to change the channel and put on the News something more sophisticated. Growing up when thinking about acting immature I always thing of my dad saying”Korin how old are you?” it just replays in my head, but since then I think I have come along way and now I think I’m in my summer stage becoming more mature.

One reason I believe I grew up is because over the years I took on a lot of personal and mental problems. Growing up I always had to help my mom. Now at the age of 17 I have a lot more responsibility such as doing my chores. These responsibilities over the years eventually helped shape the person I am now, and when or when not to do something.

Second way I believe I have matured or grew up is when I graduated from 8th grade and stepped into constitution high school. Ever since then I felt the mental growth. During the school year we are assigned a project called NHD, which definitely helped expand my education on history. When they mentioned the shantytown and the great depression I already new what a shantytown looked like and what the depression was like. Information like this helped me to visualized and understand what “Marigolds” was saying and talking about.

Lastly I believe I matured was at my 16th birthday. Just as I walked through the doors of my surprise sweet 16th party I felt the sensation of being grown up come over me. At parties most kids and teenagers well just hang out with your friends, and not care about anything else, but me as the mature person I became that day I went around to everyone thanking them for coming and things a mature person would do. Like me the girl lizabeth also matured but in a different way it took someone to be hurt for her to mature and feel bad for Mrs. Lodie. Through the whole story lizabeth hated that old lady and her marigolds it wasn’t until the end of the book when she ripped up the marigolds lizabeth felt really sad for Mrs. Lodie who was crying at the time. Lizabeth felt this way because it was a sign of her being mature.

In the beginning I mentioned how I acted immature and just a year and a half ago was in my spring but over the years I matured and became summer. Even though at some moments I break out and act like spring just to have fun, I’m mostly summer and when it comes to getting a job and doing school work. I act as if I’m in the summer going into the fall. People think I might act like spring but deep down I’m summer, in my eyes sometimes fall because I have come such a far way.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I make poem

I make.
I make people laugh
I make people cry
I make people mad
I make people stop from acting shy
All these characteristics are what makes me
And if we hang out you will see how you know what makes me
But what makes you
Now lets hear yours and

"southern Mansion"

Did you ever read a poem like in my case, where you read the poem and it gives you the chills and draws you in the poem? Well that’s the case here I picked this poem is because I have a thing for ghosts and the description the author used really made me able to visualize it. Even though they are creepy and scary I still; love reading and watching about them. It’s something about the whole death and haunting thing that I enjoy and the fact that it has truth and history makes me like it even more. I enjoyed the poem “Southern Mansion because of all the details and description, so let me explain and give an example.

One of the first things I observed is the historical content of the poem and here I have three different phrases from the poem that relates to my observation. The phrase “chain of bondmen dragging on the ground” give you chill think about what the slaves wore and it also shows sad emotion and how the slaves were treated. The other phrase “another sound tinkling in the cotton” helps visualize the slaves back in the slavery days, picking cotton on the fields. Look at phrase three “Poplars are standing there still as death” makes you visuals slaves being lynched and hanging from the tree and this phrase is symbolic because these trees are where slaves were hung. In all these phrases you and conclude the time period of the story’s setting.

Here I have three phrases that go with my second observation from “Southern Mansion” My second observation the poem contains vivid detail and description. The first phrase states, “There is a sound of music echoing” its as if you can almost hear it yourself. My phrase is very visualizing “through the open door” it takes you to the place where everything is happening. Another phrase from the vivid section is “and standing on the marble steps” this phrase makes you visualize the ghost standing on the steps, most likely in pain from being slave.

Final observation and the three phrases my last observation of the poem is death. Phrase “ghost are walking” sends chills down my back and it’s really bizarre thinking of an empty house with ghost walking around. Chosen phrase “a hand is on a gate” makes you feel as if the people in this house are trying to escape and be free from slavery. Phrase tree “ghost of dead men” is another strange phrase that makes you wonder how they died and why.

So like I said in the beginning the poem is very descriptive and detailed, as you can see for yourself in my quotes “Southern Mansion” alone has voice in the poem. Even though you might not have a thing for ghost, if you were to read this poem you might have a change in mind about your like for ghost. Another thing in this poem that you might enjoy is the historical information that the poem contains, and the realization it has.

Monday, January 26, 2009


I am disappointed at the fact me and me and my partner didn’t make it to the next level. I thought that we were going to make it to the next level but it didn’t work out. I was sad that I didn’t hear my name over the loud speaker. I really thought the day of judging that we were going to the next level because they came over to us first and everything.

The thing I think that we could have done differently was the neatness of our board. We could of talked more about Herbert Hoover instead of talking so much about the depression. Another thing that we could of done differently was took more time on pasting and looking for our pictures and making the captions go along with the picture more smoothly.

This year I thought NHD was a lot easier then last year. I think it was also less stressful. I also think that in 12th grade I’m going to do a documentary and really try to go all the way and hopefully win. But I was proud of me and Nicole and the work we did even though the judges didn’t pick our board to the next level.


I am disappointed at the fact me and me and my partner didn’t make it to the next level. I thought that we were going to make it to the next level but it didn’t work out. I was sad that I didn’t hear my name over the loud speaker. I really thought the day of judging that we were going to the next level because they came over to us first and everything.

The thing I think that we could have done differently was the neatness of our board. We could of talked more about Herbert Hoover instead of talking so much about the depression. Another thing that we could of done differently was took more time on pasting and looking for our pictures and making the captions go along with the picture more smoothly.

This year I thought NHD was a lot easier then last year. I think it was also less stressful. I also think that in 12th grade I’m going to do a documentary and really try to go all the way and hopefully win. But I was proud of me and Nicole and the work we did even though the judges didn’t pick our board to the next level.