Friday, March 28, 2008

description of me in spanish

Me nombre es Sofía
Mi cumpleaños es el ocho de Septiembre tengo diez y seis años.

Yo soy activa, agradable, alta, atlética, chistosa, fuerte, gorda, grande, perezosa, seria, y trabajadora. Tengo el pelo de color café.

Me gusta la música, la comida china, la comida mexicana, la pizza, la comida italiana, el helado, los animales, las frutas, las fiestas, las hamburguesas, y comer.

No me gusta el ajedrez, las verduras, los videojuegos, hacer la tarea, y la escuela.

yo soy de sur Filadelfia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19148

Objective: To explore a career in criminal law

Front Floor Assistant, Third and Ritner Salon 2007-present
- Manage front desk and finances
- Handle all customer inquiries and scheduling
Babysitter 2007-present
- Supervise 4 children 3times a week during the summer

Constitution High School 2007-11
Major: Government and Law
GPA 3.76/4.0 Perfect Attendance Honor Roll
- Presented a National History Day project on Italian Mafia
- Interviewed Joey Merlino and researched mob history at National Archives and Records Administration
- Received 2nd place in Science fair for a study on gum removal
- Facilitated class discussion regarding the legal arguments of abortion

School visits 2007-08
- Job shadowed web creator at Ballard & Sphar Law firm
- Studied documents at National Archives and Records Administration
- Studied powers of government in Washington D.C,
- Learned Congress and History at Constitution Center,
Out of school visits
- Studied traveling at Franklin Institute
- Natural Science Museum studied Air Craft and human body,
- Camden Aquarium learned about Sea Life.

- Basketball Champion 2006-07, City Youth Association
- Soft Ball, City Youth Association
- Traveled to Washington, New York, Lancaster, New Jersey, Maryland, Florida, Pocono, Allentown, Baltimore, and Wildwood


- Effectively work in a group - Have a library card
- Managed a group - Resolved conflict
- Created a project for School - Microsoft word
- Manage a bank account

- Member of the Constitution Center


The beginning of the mob to Bruno

The mafia in Philly started in 1957 the mob boss was Joseph Ida. In 1957 he quit being boss because he was caught by cops in “The Infamous Approaching Raiding” in November of 1957; it was this gigantic meeting of all the mob bosses of America. They all came together in upstate New York in a town called, Approaching and they all got busted by the police. Ida was one of the guys who got busted and didn’t like fact that his name was in the news paper so he quit being boss and went back to Sicily. The man that had replaced him was Dominic Pollina and his under boss Angelo Bruno but there was a problem Pollina didn’t trust Bruno because he was very popular and was one of the biggest money earners. So Pollina gave an order to have Bruno killed. The man that he gives the order to warns Bruno instead of killing him. That’s when Angelo does an amazing thing and goes to New York City and goes to the mafia commission and pleads his case and says “I’m not expiring against Pollina, I shouldn’t killed “ he basically put his life in hand of the commission they could have told him “well Pollina wants you dead your going to be killed” but instead they rule in his favor and said “your right you shouldn’t be killed we are going to make you boss of the Philly mob and tells Bruno you can do whatever you want with Pollina.” Most of the time you would kill that person but no Bruno just tells him to leave and not to have anything to do with them anymore. From then on Bruno became boss of La Cost Nostra from 1959 to 1990 and that’s when the people in Philly mob as we know today like Salvatore “Chucky Merlino, Joey Merlino, Nicky Scarfo and …… start to come into play and become bosses.
How mafia first developed

The mafia first developed in Sicily. The word mafia first developed in Sicily. The word mafia came from the Sicilian word, Mafioso meaning family. Today, mafia stands for a loose association of a criminal group. These groups come together by blood, oath, or sworn secrecy. By the nineteenth century, the mafia had become known as a network of criminals and thugs dominated most of Sicily member. In the beginning the mafia had no centralized organization. They were just in small groups. Each group was considered a district. The mafia became powerful by using scare tactics to people who were weaker then them. With little power they had they started to scare people into voting the way they wanted. It wasn’t much longer until they started running their way around the police and owning weapons (guns)


Italian immigration

Between 1880 and 1920 four million Italian immigrants traveled the Atlantic to the United States. These Italians came in search of the “ American Dream”. By the 19 century, some ambitious northern immigrated to the United States. In 1900 even the poorer more conservative Southern were making the tour. By the beginning of World War 1, Italy was losing over 5000,000 people per year due to immigration

For centuries in Italy, the Italian peninsula was divided into hatred states. There was so much ruling going on that so many poor Italians had almost no opportunity to improve their lives. The Italians in Southern Italy suffered more hard times than those in the North, because the North had industries. North experienced less poverty, discrimination, and agricultural problems than those in the South. Though through all the problems the Italian population was blooming and overcrowding and was becoming more ad more of a problem for everyone in Italy..


Korin Lassiter January 24, 2008
Section 8/9 Mr.Brasof
Italian mafia, Joey Merlino


Secondary sources

1) May, Allen May 6, 2002) Mob Reports. American (online)

This site names each mobster and what location they would do their job. It also reveals other parts of Joey being a nice guy whom helped the homeless and threw Christmas parties.

2) CBS New York, March 16, 2004 The Last Gangster, The Down fall of Philadelphia Mafia, CBS (online)

On this site, there was a clip on Joey Merlino (former Italian Mafia Boss). Also, there was information on him and him as a gangster.

3) McGarvey, Brendan November 27-December 3, 2003 Joey Merlino Predicts a Big Victory City Paper Articles (online)

This site tells how a visitor went to see Merlino in jail and was talking about how he won’t be in jail that much longer. They also mentioned that he has two daughters and a wife named Debbie.

4) McGarvey, Brendan March 11-17, 4004, Skinny Joey’s Victory, City (online)

In this website they talk about when Joey Merlino’s mom found out about him getting arrested and how sad she was to lose her son after losing her husband due to being in jail for life. It also mentioned that people would say dating a Merlino will get you killed.

5) McGavery, Brendan (July12-18, 2002) sins of the father, City Beat (online) Philadelphia City
This site is saying that Merlino is in prison cell in Beaumont, Texas. It talks about how a lot of people are made at him like his wife and other mobsters due to poor choice of spending money. It also mentioned that everyone turned their back on Merlino. The only people he can talk to is hi sister and his mom he can no longer talk to his dad Salvatore (Chucky) Merlino.

6) CNN Italian Mafia Boss Held November 5, 2006,

This site had information about different mafias in the U.S. They also talk about the mafia in Sicily and Salvatore Lo Piccolo, sentenced to life in prison for murder and on the run since 19993.

7) Bruno, Anthony 2007 Turner Entertainment Digital Network, Uncle Junior Soprano, Crime Library (online)

In this site the chapter talks about Joey Merlino and his mafia crew and how things started changing, tradition and how people would kill bosses (Angelo Bruno) because they didn’t’ like they way they were running the mob (loss of money not allowed to sell drugs).


Biographies this specific biography talked about how Joey, Steve Mazone and Johny Fingers all had high positions. Joey Merlino and Johny Fingers soon dominated the city.

9) Amoroso, David July 31, 2006, Angelo “The Great Don” information on gangsters and mafias

Based on Angelo Bruno’s life and what he did. They talked about how people were getting tiered of his rules like no selling drugs because the feds will find them easier. Also hoe they traded on him and killed him with two bullets in the head while sitting in the car.

10) Amoroso, David January 24, 04, Ralph Natale profile (online)

Information on mafia groups and gangsters. Based on Ralph Natale’s life and how he was the first mobster leader to ever rat out his own family to save his own skin. They also mentioned he met Merlino in jail due to getting caught selling drugs.

11) Capeci, Jerry May 3, 2001, gang (the online column)

This website is talking about how Merlino was a celebrity status for past decade and that he cheated people out of their money. Mob extortion racket, in which every bookmaker, drug dealer and loan shark in the city was required to pay a “street tax of between 4000,000 and 5000,000.

12) Capeci, Jerry June 1, 2001, Skinny Joey and The Fat Rat, gang land (online column),

In this article they are telling you that Merlino was known by the name of Skinny Joe and that he was arrested in 1999 for drug charge. They also mention how mob bosses are going with the feds and telling them about the bodies that have been killed.

13) The Philadelphia crime family,

This site talks about how the mafia started and who ran it also gives you the positions each person was in. Angelo Bruno crew was the most powerful mob in the U.S until he was killed which caused them to fall apart; Merlino led a group called (young Turks).
First Don: Salvatore Sabella (1911-1927)
Boss: Joey Merlino, however Merlino was sentenced to 14 yrs in prison on December3, 2001 on racketeering charges. He is scheduled for release in 2011.


This site had the cases of Joseph Merlino vs. The United States

15) (June 7th) Straight From Horse Heads Mouth, Philadelphia weekly (online)

It mentions that the Merlino gang is still in jail, Halloween night hit back in 1989 on Nicky Scarfo Jr. they say was caused by Merlino. They also talk about how close Merlino and Horse Face were growing up.

16) Volk, Steve (August18th) A Wiser Guy PROFILES IN DISCOURAGE (online)

This site explains how no one can compare to Merlino. It also said that Merlino kept doing his job right up until he got arrested.

17) Hickey, Brain (July 3rd) Merlino Watch, Philadelphia weekly (online)

This site says how Merlino has a celebrity status. It is also saying that Merlino was facing 3 murder charges.

18) Hickey, Brian (Feb.14th) Will Merlino Go Free? , Philadelphia Weekly (online)

This site says that Joey Merlino faces a stack of damaging evidence that stands taller than he does. The website is pretty much saying that Merlino has little chance of getting out.

19) Hickey, Brian (Jan 3rd) The South Philly Boys Choir Keeps on Singing, Philadelphia Weekly (online)

This site is saying all the charges Merlino has on him like murder, and drug trafficking and extortion.

20) Luppi (American Gangster Family Member) (Sat. April 15, 2006 11:15 am) The Mafia In New Jersey Mafia Scene (online)

This site is telling you about the mafia in New Jersey. It also tells the deaths and how each mobster died in that crew. Bruno Family- South Jersey.

21) The Philadelphia Family,

This site tells the lifetime of each Philly mobster and their position. Also it has a little information about each person and a picture next to it.


On This site, there were the Italian Mafia listed and the Sicilian Mafia many verity of information.

23) Omerta, The History of the American mafia, 1997©WISEGUY AND COMPANY, INC.

In this site it talk about the beginning of the mafia (the history of the American mafia) and the crime through history.

23) Italian Immigrants, file:///private/Network/Servers/osxserver1.constitutionhs.sdp/Volumes/DataHD/HomeDirs/GY2011/11lassiterk/Desktop/ITALIAN.webarchive

In this site talks about the first Italian immigrants and the reason they came over from Italy
24) Study world, 1996- 20082008 Oakwood Mgt, Italian mafia, file:///private/Network/Servers/osxserver1.constitutionhs.sdp/Volumes/DataHD/HomeDirs/GY2011/11lassiterk/Desktop/Prohibition%20of%20Alcohol%20in%20the%201920s.webarchive

This site mentions that the first Italian mafia was created in Sicily and it also tells you a story why they created the mafia.

26) Prohibition in the 1920’s, the 13 years that damaged America, © 1998, file:///private/Network/Servers/osxserver1.constitutionhs.sdp/Volumes/DataHD/HomeDirs/GY2011/11lassiterk/Desktop/Prohibition%20of%20Alcohol%20in%20the%201920s.webarchive

This site talks about the roaring 20 and prohibition, which was another, add to make mafia grow.

Primary sources

27) Italian Mafia, 1920-2008, week of 14-20

I am going to the Archives and Temple University. There I am going to learn more information about Joey Merlino and the earlier mafias. They are going to show us documents, letters from immigrants, police reports, records and other primary sources that we can get information on.

28) Eastern District of Pennsylvania, United States V.S Angelo Bruno Annaloro, Warrant for arrest, October 31, 1963, Racketeering, bail 50,000.

29) Alan J. Davis, ESO. Lawyer for Angelo Bruno June 23,1964 “The Eight Days”
Querida Nikki

Estoy quedando con la familia Pérez en México. Hay cuatro chicas y dos chicos. Mama es flaco, divertida, pálida, simpática, joven, y bonita. Se llama Tina. Papa es cómico, gordo, listo, exigente, pesado, y pálido. Se llama Taño. Carmen tiene diez y seis y es artística, activa, inteligentcy, simpática, flaca, larga, delgada, popular, y hermosa. Dorthy tiene doce y ella es tímida, madura, cómica, generosa, corta, chismosa, fuerte, flaco, inteligente, y hermosa. El abuelo se llama Cheo. El es viejo, largo, flaco, trabajador, simpático, pálido, delgado, y divertido. La abuela se llama es Rose. Está en una silla de rusedas, ella es vieja, aburrida, agradable, alta, ancha, feo, débil, lenta, mediana, pálida y perezosa

sincerly korin

Monday, March 3, 2008

things i am going to do community serves

1. maybe clean my street
2. help my aunt with her salon
3. maybe help out my pop at jefferson
and i dont no what else to do

ideas for world wide school projects

1. help stop drug sellings
2. help shelter or/and feed bum/poor people
3. help clean local parks
4. keep people from littering
5. let people no more about what littering does to the earth
6. help people become more educated about poluting our ozone layer